Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Pre-Conference EventsPDF Version
Click on presenter name if blue for bio and photo. If the presenter had a PowerPoint presentation and allowed us to post it, there will be a "Presentation" link following their name. Click on "Presentation" to open a PDF version. The first three sessions also have a video recording. Click on "Video Recording" to open YouTube to view the video.
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Conference Registration (Ballroom Foyer, Ballroom Level)
9:30 am - 11:00 am
State Energy Office Director and Staff Training (NASEO State and Affiliate Members and Invited Guests Only) (Longworth Room, Ballroom Level)
NASEO will provide foundational guidance on a range of key energy issues. This instructor-led session is a forum for discussion and learning among State Energy Office directors and senior personnel. Topics include: Engaging in NASEO; Federal Appropriations and the Legislative Process; Ten Things Every State Energy Office Needs to Know; U.S. State Energy Program Basics; and Leveraging Private Sector Expertise.
David Terry - Presentation, Executive Director, NASEO
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Corporations, Investors, and Clean Energy Workshop (State Energy Offices and Invited Corporate and Investment Representatives Only) (Ballroom I, Ballroom Level)
Corporate energy consumers and their investors are increasingly focused on strategies to improve energy efficiency, procure renewable energy, and support policy and program frameworks that enable clean energy investments. This workshop, co-hosted by NASEO and Ceres, will feature a dialogue among State Energy Offices and Ceres members, including consumer brand companies and mutual fund companies. Key insights to be explored include: how corporations are procuring clean energy; how investors view these developments and the implications for the companies and utilities; and how state policies and programs support these efforts. Participants will include State Energy Offices and representatives from Calvert Investments, E Bay, Impax Asset Management, and other private firms. (Lunch will be provided.)
David Terry, Executive Director, NASEO
Brandon Smithwood, Senior Manager, Policy Program, Ceres
Sponsored by
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
U.S. State Energy Program Competitive Project Meeting (State Energy Offices by Invitation Only) (Ballroom I, Ballroom Level)
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Weatherization and Intergovernmental Programs meeting will convene State Energy Offices selected under the FY’14 U.S. State Energy Program competitive process.
Amy Royden-Bloom, State Energy Program Supervisor, Office of Weatherization and Intergovernmental Programs, U.S. Department of Energy
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Exhibitor Set-up (Ballroom Foyer, Ballroom Level)
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm (Concurrent Sessions)
NASEO Regional Meetings (NASEO State and Affiliate Members Only)
The NASEO regional meetings provide an opportunity for states to meet in-person with their colleagues to discuss program and policy implementation and share lessons learned. Each region will follow a meeting agenda tailored to the priorities of the states in the region.
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
NASEO Southeast Regional Meeting (Ballroom I, Ballroom Level)
Brian Henderson, Southeast Regional Coordinator, NASEO
NASEO Mid-Atlantic/Northeast Regional Meeting (Dumbarton Room, Second Floor)
Chuck Clinton, Senior Advisor and Lead Regional Coordinator, NASEO
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
NASEO Western Regional Meeting (Longworth Room, Ballroom Level)
William Nesmith, Western Regional Coordinator, NASEO
NASEO Central Regional Meeting (Culpeper Room, Ballroom Level)
Melissa Savage, Central Regional Coordinator, NASEO
NASEO Midwest Regional Meeting (Decatur Room, Ballroom Level)
David Terry, Executive Director, NASEO
5:15 pm - 6:30 pm
NASEO Board of Directors Meeting (NASEO State and Affiliate Members Only) (Culpeper Room, Ballroom Level)
NASEO’s Board of Directors Meeting will cover programmatic and administrative updates of the organization.
Janet Streff, Manager, State Energy Office, Minnesota Department of Commerce; Chair, NASEO Board of Directors
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
NASEO Energy Policy Outlook Conference
7:00 am - 4:00 pm
Conference Registration and Exhibit Hall (Ballroom Foyer, Ballroom Level)
7:00 am - 8:00 am
Continental Breakfast (Ballroom Foyer, Ballroom Level)
8:00 am - 8:15 am
Welcome and Opening Remarks (Ballroom II, Ballroom Level) [Video Recording]
This year’s NASEO Energy Policy Outlook Conference will focus on practical energy policies for economic growth and modernizing the nation’s energy infrastructure to achieve a more resilient, sustainable, and energy efficient future. The opening session will set the stage for the conference.
David Terry, Executive Director, NASEO
Janet Streff, Manager, State Energy Office, Minnesota Department of Commerce; Chair, NASEO Board of Directors
Tommy Wells, Acting Director, District Department of the Environment
8:15 am - 9:00 am
Infrastructure Modernization: Examining the Impacts of Energy Supplies, Markets, and Trends (Ballroom II, Ballroom Level) [Video Recording]
The Federal Government’s Quadrennial Energy Review (QER) – a U.S. Department of Energy-led, multi-agency, review and analysis of energy infrastructure modernization needs and opportunities – is set to be released in early 2015. This session offers an early, in-depth presentation on the findings and recommendations of the QER, state and private sector grid modernization opportunities, and federal-state efforts to enhance energy assurance and emergency response preparedness.
Janet Streff, Manager, State Energy Office, Minnesota Department of Commerce; Chair, NASEO Board of Directors
Dr. Ernest Moniz, Secretary, U.S. Department of Energy
9:00 am - 9:45 am
America is Kicking It’s Imported Oil Habit – How Far and Fast Can We Go? (Ballroom II, Ballroom Level) [Video Recording]
After a decade of decline, North American oil production is back and has contributed to the lowest gasoline prices for consumers since 2009. Declining equipment costs, enhanced drilling techniques, increased fuel efficiency, changing demographics, and an increase in renewables are increasing America’s oil exports while simultaneously decreasing our dependence on foreign oil. Where is all of this good news headed? This thought-leader session examines these important questions and what it means for state and federal policy and the future of oil investments.
David Terry, Executive Director, NASEO
Edward Morse, Global Head of Commodities, Citi Research
Adam Sieminski, Administrator, U.S. Energy Information Administration
9:45 am - 11:30 am (Concurrent Sessions)
Session One: Microgrids and Combined Heat and Power – Traction, Trends, and Opportunities (Ballroom I, Ballroom Level)
Years of experience and efforts to open market opportunities for combined heat and power (CHP) and microgids are showing increasing results. This session explores lessons learned about successful deployment policies, applications, and opportunities. Presentations will offer details on successful project drivers, system resilience options, and air quality compliance opportunities.
Robert Underwood, Energy Administrator, Delaware Division of Energy and Climate; Member, NASEO Board of Directors
The Challenges and Opportunities of Microgrid and Combined Heat and Power
Jesse Douglas, Business Development Manager, Veolia Energy North America Holdings, Inc.
Resilience Through Microgrids: Opportunities and Trends
Michael Burr - Presentation, Executive Director, Microgrid Institute
Combined Heat and Power as a 111(d) Energy Efficiency Compliance Pathway
Bruce Hedman - Presentation, Technical Director, Institute for Industrial Productivity
Combined Heat and Power and the Traction It’s Gaining in the Midwest
Clifford Haefke - Presentation, Acting Director, Energy Resources Center, University of Illinois at Chicago
Session Two: Renewable Power – The Outlook, Trend, and What's Happening Now (Roosevelt Room, Ballroom Level)
In its Annual Energy Outlook 2014 Report, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) projects that solar photovoltaics (PV) and wind power will dominate renewable capacity growth for the foreseeable future. According to a 2014 report from Deutsch Bank, declining installation costs, innovative financing mechanisms, and rising volumes will cause rooftop solar PV to reach grid parity nationwide in just two years, and the EIA expects national wind capacity to increase 23% by 2016. As renewable power becomes more cost-competitive throughout the country, states are facing a number new opportunities, incentives, and challenges to incorporating these resources into their energy mix. This session will explore how states and industry are responding to these growing trends, the implications of near term grid parity for solar power, and the renewed vision for U.S. wind power research, development, and deployment.
Eddie Trevino, Program Manager, Texas State Energy Conservation Office
DOE's Wind Vision
Rich Tusing - Presentation, Wind and Water Power Technologies Office, Wind and Water Power Technologies Office, Office of Renewable Power, U.S. Department of Energy
Photovoltaic Industry Trends
Katherine Stainken - Presentation, Director, Government Affairs, Solar Energy Industries Association
Session Three: Picking Up Speed for Alternative Fuel Vehicles (Culpeper Room, Ballroom Level)
By engaging sister state agencies, Clean Cities Coalitions, and private and local stakeholders, State Energy Offices can play a crucial role in efforts to advance the market for alternatively powered vehicles. Yet, the dual need to deploy the vehicles themselves, as well as build up the fueling and charging infrastructure network that allows them to operate across long ranges, requires innovation in how states fund, finance, and build partnerships in the transportation sector. This panel discussion will explore strategies for State Energy Offices and their partners to tap into the Federal Highway Administration’s Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) program to support efforts to advance alternative fuel vehicle and infrastructure projects. It will also include a discussion of the alternative fuel vehicle market across different states and regions, with an emphasis on the policy and financing interventions that support market expansion and transformation.
Maria Redmond, Senior Analyst, Transportation Fuels, Wisconsin Energy Office; Co-Chair, NASEO Transportation Committee
Tapping into CMAQ: How States are Using Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Funds to Deploy Alternative Fuel Infrastructure
Emily Biondi - Presentation, Air Quality Specialist, Federal Highway Administration
Michael Scarpino - Presentation, Transportation Project Engineer, Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, U.S. Department of Transportation
Jeff Ackermann - Presentation, Director, Colorado Energy Office
Vehicle Market Outlook and Implications for State Policy
Nick Nigro - Presentation, Senior Manager, Transportation Initiatives, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
Caley Johnson - Presentation, Market Tansformation Group, Transportation Systems Center, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
11:45 am - 12:15 pm
The Role of Nuclear Plants in Modern Energy Policy (Colonnade Room, Lobby Level)
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, America will need 28 percent more electricity by 2040, which means building hundreds of new facilities to generate electric power. During this session, hear a discussion focusing on the United States' energy portfolio and the value of existing nuclear energy plants. This session will address the economic, carbon-free, and reliability benefits of nuclear energy, as well as the challenges facing the industry.
Molly Cripps, Director, Office of Energy Programs, Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation; Member, NASEO Board of Directors
Evan Bayh, Former Senator and Co-Chair of Nuclear Matters
12:15 pm - 1:15 pm
Keynote Lunch: Modernizing America’s Energy Policy and Ensuring Reliability (Colonnade Room, Lobby Level)
This keynote session features an outlook from Congressman Paul Tonko (D-NY), the Ranking Member of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment and Economy. Congressman Tonko will provide an overview of the Committee’s priorities and his views on key energy issues.
John Rhodes, President and Chief Executive Officer, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
Paul Tonko, Ranking Member, House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment and Economy; Member, U.S. House of Representatives
1:30 pm - 2:00 pm
State Energy Offices and Secondary Market Financing – WHEEL Opportunities (Ballroom II, Ballroom Level)
Nearly one year ago, the Energy Programs Consortium, NASEO, Renewable Funding, and Citibank formally launched the Warehouse for Energy Efficiency Loans (WHEEL) to create the first secondary market for unsecured residential energy efficiency financing. This session offers news on the experience to date and a first-hand state update on this market-oriented model.
Elizabeth Bellis, Counsel and Director of Finance Programs, Energy Programs Consortium
Kelley Smith Burk, Acting Director, Office of Energy, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Colin Bishopp, Vice President, Renewable Funding
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm
A Global Cyber-Crisis in Waiting (Ballroom II, Ballroom Level)
From cyber threat to cyber war, the national security and economic risks of an interconnected world with Internet-driven critical infrastructure systems – oil, natural gas, electricity, water, telecommunications, commerce – is changing the way America thinks about risks and vulnerabilities. National security expert and bestselling author Richard Clarke offers his views and the outlook for cyber security policy and priorities. Mr. Clarke served four Presidents including coordinating diplomatic efforts for President George H.W. Bush during the Gulf War and as Deputy Assistance Secretary for Intelligence under President Ronald Reagan. Most recently, he served on a five-member expert panel created by President Obama to investigate the National Security Agency’s domestic and foreign surveillance activities. This special session examines the cyber crisis, critical infrastructure, and what might be done about it.
David Terry, Executive Director, NASEO
Richard Clarke, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Good Harbor; Chairman of the Board of Governors, Middle East Institute
2:45 pm - 3:15 pm
Modernizing the Grid – Information Technologies, Renewables Integration, Active Distribution, and Holistic Planning (Ballroom II, Ballroom Level)
The U.S. Department of Energy continues to advance and focus grid modernization efforts through technology research to provide states with modeling and analytical assistance in the creation of more holistic planning approaches. This session provides a look at DOE’s Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability’s leadership programs and opportunities to partner with states.
Mark Glick, State Energy Administrator, Hawaii State Energy Office; Member, NASEO Board of Directors; Co-Chair, NASEO Fuels and Grid Integration Committee
Patricia Hoffman, Assistant Secretary, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, U.S. Department of Energy
3:15 pm - 3:45 pm
New York State: Reforming the Energy Vision (Ballroom II, Ballroom Level)
New York is undertaking a substantial restructuring of its energy regulatory environment and clean energy programs through the nation-leading and comprehensive Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) strategy. This session describes New York’s plans to evolve its energy programs by accelerating the clean energy market transformation process and scale-up of self-sustaining clean energy markets, modernizing its grid, and leading by example through actions at the state and local level. The goal of these efforts is to significantly reduce greenhouse gases, decrease energy costs and accelerate the growth of the clean energy economy and jobs.
David Althoff, Energy Group Manager, Office of Pollution Prevention and Energy Assistance, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
John Rhodes, President and Chief Executive Officer, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
3:45 pm - 4:00 pm
Break (Ballroom Foyer, Ballroom Level)
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm (Concurrent Committee Sessions)
NASEO Energy Security Committee (Ballroom I, Ballroom Level)
NASEO’s Energy Security Committee convenes State and Territory Energy Offices, relevant federal partners, and industry stakeholders to discuss policies and programs related to energy assurance planning and preparedness. This meeting of NASEO’s Energy Security Committee includes updates from DOE as well as presentations on a variety of energy security, reliability, risk assessment, and resiliency topics as it relates to states’ planning and risk analysis activities.
Committee Co-Chair:
Doris Jansky, Statistical Analyst, Nebraska Energy Office; Co-Chair, NASEO Energy Security Committee
State Energy Risk Assessment Initiative Update
Alice Lippert - Presentation, Senior Technical Advisor, Energy Infrastructure Modeling and Analysis, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, U.S. Department of Energy
Presentation on the National Petroleum Council's Emergency Preparedness Study
Dr. Paula Gant, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Oil and Natural Gas, Office of Fossil Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
Peggy Montana - Presentation, Chief Executive Officer, Shell Midstream Partners; Chair, National Petroleum Council’s Emergency Preparedness Study Coordinating Subcommittee
Private- and Public-Sector Collaborations in the Face of 21st Century Threats
Scott Aaronson, Senior Director of National Security Policy, Edison Electric Institute
NASEO Energy Security Program Update
Jeff Pillon, Director of Energy Assurance, NASEO
NASEO Financing Committee (Roosevelt Room, Ballroom Level)
NASEO’s Financing Committee identifies market barriers, engages private sector and program partners, and shares solutions for effective clean energy financing. This meeting will convene committee members for a discussion on key financing challenges and opportunities identified by State Energy Offices, including bond finance and Davis Bacon/Buy American program compliance issues.
Committee Co-Chairs:
Jeff Pitkin, Treasurer, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority; Co-Chair, NASEO Financing Committee
Al Christopher, Director, Energy Division, Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy; Co-Chair, NASEO Financing Committee
Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds: Legislative and Activity Update
Elizabeth Bellis - Presentation, Counsel and Director of Finance Programs, Energy Programs Consortium
USDA Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program Update
Gerard Moore, Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator, Rural Development/Rural Utilities Service/Electric Program, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Davis Bacon and Buy American Compliance Strategies in ARRA-Funded Financing Programs
Eddy Trevino, Program Manager, Texas State Energy Conservation Office
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Networking Reception (Ballroom Foyer, Ballroom Level)
Thursday, February 5, 2015
7:00 am - 4:00 pm
Conference Registration and Exhibit Hall (Ballroom Foyer, Ballroom Level)
7:00 am - 8:00 am
Continental Breakfast (Ballroom Foyer, Ballroom Level)
8:00 am - 8:45 am
What Does EPA’s Clean Power Plan Mean for Electric Reliability? (Ballroom II, Ballroom Level)
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) recently announced that it will hold a series of technical conferences to examine the impact of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed Clean Power Plan on electricity reliability, markets, operations and infrastructure, highlighting the substantial, potential impact of EPA’s actions on the power system. This expert session reviews some of the key issues and concerns as states and utilities consider such as FERC Order 1000 and the long-term implications of 111(d).
Gene Therriault, Deputy Director, Statewide Energy Policy Development, Alaska Energy Authority; Vice-Chair, NASEO Board of Directors
Cheryl LaFleur, Chairman, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
8:45 am - 9:15 am
The Future of Coal in a Carbon Constrained World (Ballroom II, Ballroom Level)
Even as pending air quality rules constrain the use of coal, research continues to advance clean coal technologies and other means to utilize this important resource. This session includes an overview of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Clean Coal and Carbon Management’s work on clean coal, carbon capture and storage technologies, as well as these technologies relevance to the pending EPA 111(d) regulations at the state level.
John Davies, Deputy Commissioner, Kentucky Department for Energy Development and Independence; Secretary, NASEO Board of Directors
Christopher Smith, Assistant Secretary, Office of Fossil Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
9:15 am - 10:00 am
Regional Transmission Operation: Planning for Change, Prepared for the Unexpected (Ballroom II, Ballroom Level)
PJM Interconnection manages the electric grid in parts of thirteen states and the District of Columbia and handles the grid’s growing reliance on natural gas, increasing renewable energy production, cyber threats, environmental rules, and extraordinary weather events such as last year’s polar vortex. This session provides the latest news and outlook from America’s largest grid operator.
Tommy Wells, Acting Director, District Department of the Environment
Terry Boston - Presentation, President and Chief Executive Officer, PJM Interconnection
10:00 am - 11:45 am (Concurrent Sessions)
Session One: Modeling and Implementation Tools for 111(d) Compliance (Ballroom I, Ballroom Level)
Following the release of EPA’s proposed 111(d) rule, a number of state agencies and other organizations have begun to develop modeling and implementation tools to help states assess different 111(d) compliance strategies. This session will explore insights and challenges associated with several of these efforts. The presenters will address state and regional modeling efforts, analysis focused on understanding the contribution energy efficiency and renewable energy policies can make in meeting 111(d) targets, and a potential registry that could assist states with 111(d) compliance.
Garrett Martin, Senior Energy Analyst, Montana Department of Environmental Quality
Analysis of Beyond the Fence Solutions When the Fence Spans Four States
Tom Eckman - Presentation, Power Planning Director, Northwest Power and Conservation Council
EPA's Clean Power Plan: Evaluating State Compliance Plan Options
Christopher Van Atten - Presentation, Senior Vice President, M.J. Bradley and Associates
111(d) Compliance Registry: Taking Care of Administration So You Can Focus on Policy
Pat Stanton - Presentation, Senior Vice President of Policy and Advocacy, Conservation Services Group
Session Two: How to Put Technology to Work for the Grid (Culpeper Room, Ballroom Level)
As information technology and “big data” hit an electricity system with access to many more cost-effective clean energy resources, we have an unprecedented opportunity for system optimization. An optimized system can deliver benefits to customers in the form of more affordable, resilient, and clean electricity. However, reaping these benefits means taking a hard look at which existing electricity policies might be stifling innovation. This session will look at how the electric power system is changing with the rise of distributed energy resources and identify new policies, regulatory models, and power market mechanisms that can support an optimized system.
Chuck Murray, Senior Energy Policy Specialist, Washington State Energy Office
EPRI's Integrated Grid
Barbara Bauman Tyran, Director, Washington and State Relations, Electric Power Research Institute; Affiliates' Co-Chair, NASEO Board of Directors
The Grid of the Future: Evolving to Meet America’s Energy Needs
Ladeene Freimuth - Presentation, Policy Director, GridWise Alliance; President, The Freimuth Group
America's Power Plan: Rethinking Policy to Deliver a Clean Energy Future
Sonia Aggarwal - Presentation, Director, America’s Power Plan
Session Three: Natural Gas – A Fuel for All Sectors . . . How Will Price Volatility, New Demands, and Today’s $45 Oil Impact the Future (Roosevelt Room, Ballroom Level)
The rapid and continued shift to natural gas for power generation, manufacturing, chemicals, microgrids, export facilities, and transportation have produced tremendous economic development and emissions benefits. However, what will happen to price volatility? Will the infrastructure build-out move fast enough to avoid an impact on states’ economic growth? Will $45 oil impact natural gas in some way? How will regional constraints impact prices? This session examines the global market forces at work and the federal and state policies that will continue to drive demand for natural gas.
Paul Miller, Assistant Director of Energy, Louisiana Department of Natural Resources
Economic Impacts of Oil and Gas Price Volatility
Kevin Book, Managing Director, Research, ClearView Energy Partners, LLC
Regional Supply and Infrastructure Trends
Kevin Petak - Presentation, Vice President, Fuels Markets Analysis, ICF International
Natural Gas Domestic Market Outlook
Daniel Lapato - Presentation, Director of Government Affairs, American Public Gas Association
Impact of LNG Exports on U.S. Natural Gas Markets
Dr. David Shin - Presentation, Senior Economic Advisor, American Petroleum Institute
11:45 am - 1:15 pm
Keynote Luncheon: U.S. EPA’s Clean Power Plan and Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Compliance Options (Colonnade Room, Lobby Level)
State Energy Offices, Public Utility Commissions, and Clean Air Agencies submitted thorough comments to EPA on the proposed Clean Power Plan at the end of 2014. Many of these comments highlighted strengths or limitations of how energy efficiency and renewable energy could be used as compliance options. EPA’s task moving forward is to publish a final rule that is informed by comments submitted by states, utilities, the private sector, and other stakeholders. This session provides an update from EPA on the draft rule, opportunities for state-federal cooperation, and a timeline for federal and state actions.
Jessie Stratton, Policy Director, Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection; Member, NASEO Board of Directors
Gina McCarthy, Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Understanding Privately Delivered (non-ratepayer) Energy Efficiency: The Lowest Cost 111(d) Compliance Opportunity (Ballroom II, Ballroom Level)
Over the past year, NASEO has worked with the state energy directors, air directors, utility commissioners, and the private sector to identify and advance privately delivered (non-ratepayer) energy efficiency compliance options under EPA’s proposed Clean Power Plan. While NASEO has not taken a position on the proposed rule, we have identified private-sector driven programs, many of which are operated by the states, which can be tapped for win-win compliance pathways. This session explores both the “what” and the “how” as State Energy Offices and State Air Agencies consider next steps.
Al Christopher - Presentation, Director, Division of Energy, Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy; Co-Chair, NASEO Financing Committee
Ken Colburn - Presentation, Senior Associate, Regulatory Assistance Project
Bruce Biewald - Presentation, Chief Executive Officer, Synapse Energy Economics
Ashley Patterson - Presentation, Director, Government Relations and Public Policy, Ameresco
Paul Hamilton - Presentation, Vice President, Government Affairs, Schneider Electric
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm
A Total Energy Approach to Meeting State GHG and Renewable Energy Goals (Ballroom II, Ballroom Level)
Vermont recently completed it “Total Energy Study” which reached some interesting conclusions about meeting the state’s energy and greenhouse gas emissions reductions goals. This session reviews the modeled combinations of technology deployment and novel policy structures that Vermont is investigating as they invest in the future.
Kristy Manning, Deputy Director for Policy, Missouri Division of Energy
Dr. Asa Hopkins - Presentation, Director of Energy Policy and Planning, Vermont Department of Public Service
3:30 pm - 3:45 pm
Break (Ballroom Foyer, Ballroom Level)
3:45 pm - 5:15 pm (Concurrent Committee Sessions)
NASEO Buildings Committee (Roosevelt Room, Ballroom Level)
NASEO’s Buildings Committee convenes State and Territory Energy Offices and NASEO Affiliates to discuss state and federal policies and programs related to energy use in buildings. This meeting of NASEO’s Buildings Committee will include presentations on a variety of buildings-related topics in the residential, commercial, and public building sectors. NASEO staff will also provide a brief update on upcoming projects and priorities in the buildings area.
Committee Co-Chair:
Greg Guess, Director, Division of Efficiency and Conservation Kentucky Department for Energy Development and Independence; Co-Chair, NASEO Buildings Committee
Building Asset Ratings – Findings from the Massachusetts Commercial Office and Residential Pilots
Ian Finlayson - Presentation, Deputy Director, Energy Efficiency Division, Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources
New Releases from DOE’s Existing Homes Programs
Danielle Sass Byrnett - Presentation, Supervisor, Better Buildings Residential Programs, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
Update on DOE’s Building Energy Codes Program
David Cohan, Program Manager, Building Energy Codes Program, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
NASEO Fuels and Grid Integration Committee (Ballroom I, Ballroom Level)
The NASEO Fuels and Grid Integration Committee is the focal point for sharing of state, federal, and private sector activities related to the production, distribution, and consumption of electricity and liquid and gas fuels. The Committee helps to develop policy positions for consideration by NASEO's Board, shares best program and policy practices among the states, and supports pilot projects and programs developed by NASEO, the State and Territory Energy Offices, and Affiliate members. This meeting of NASEO’s Fuels and Grid Integration Committee focuses on State Energy Office and Public Utility Commission cooperation, discussions on pending federal resiliency legislation, and updates from DOE’s National Electricity Delivery Division.
Committee Co-Chair:
Mark Glick, State Energy Administrator, Hawaii State Energy Office; Member, NASEO Board of Directors; Co-Chair, NASEO Fuels and Grid Integration Committee
State Energy Offices and the Eastern Interconnection States Planning Council
Commissioner Betty Ann Kane - Presentation, Chairman, District of Columbia Public Service Commission; Secretary, Eastern Interconnection States Planning Council
Resiliency and the Prepare Act
Ryan Martel, Legislative Assistant, Office of U.S. Senator Schatz (D-HI)
National Coal Council Existing Coal Fleet Study
Janet Gellici - Presentation, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, National Coal Council, Inc.
OE-NEDD Opportunities and Update
Dr. Caitlin Callaghan - Presentation, Chemical Engineer, National Electricity Delivery Division, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, U.S. Department of Energy
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
NASEO Affiliate Members' Reception (Culpeper Room, Ballroom Level) (NASEO State and Affiliate Members and Invited Guests Only)
NASEO Affiliate members will convene to network and discuss partnership and promotional opportunities with NASEO and the State and Territory Energy Offices for the coming year. Contact NASEO staff to learn more about the benefits of Affiliate membership.
Affiliate Co-Chairs:
Bob Dixon, Head of Industry Affairs - Americas Region, Building Performance and Sustainability, Siemens Infrastructure and Cities; Affiliates' Co-Chair, NASEO Board of Directors
Barbara Bauman Tyran, Director, Washington and State Relations, Electric Power Research Institute; Affiliates' Co-Chair, NASEO Board of Directors
Janet Streff, Manager, State Energy Office, Minnesota Department of Commerce; Chair, NASEO Board of Directors
Friday, February 6, 2015
7:00 am - 12:00 pm
Exhibit Hall (Ballroom Foyer, Ballroom Level)
7:00 am - 8:00 am
Continental Breakfast (Ballroom Foyer, Ballroom Level)
8:00 am - 8:30 am
U.S. State Energy Program, Weatherization Assistance Program, and State Technical Assistance Updates (Ballroom II, Ballroom Level)
This session will provide an update on the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Weatherization and Intergovernmental Programs (WIP) plans and priorities for 2015. Participants will learn more about the technical, policy, and financing assistance provided through WIP and planning direction for the U.S. State Energy Program and Weatherization Assistance Program.
David Gipson, Director, Energy Resources Division, Georgia Environmental Finance Authority; Member, NASEO Board of Directors
AnnaMaria Garcia - Presentation, Director, Office of Weatherization and Intergovernmental Programs, U.S. Department of Energy
8:30 am - 9:45 am
Water System Retrofits and Innovation in Regulation – Options to Maximize Energy Efficiency and Sustainability (Ballroom II, Ballroom Level)
A variety of organizations are stepping up to the opportunity to improve the energy efficiency and sustainability of America’s water system – including fresh water and wastewater treatment. From the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s longstanding efforts to new U.S. Department of Energy and state programs, options abound. This session looks at both practical, near-term solutions for municipally-owned water systems and policy and regulatory modernization to enhance private sector water system efficiency.
Kelley Smith Burk, Acting Director, Office of Energy, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Jim Horne - Presentation, Sustainability Program Manager, Office of Wastewater Management, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Amy Royden-Bloom - Presentation, State Energy Program Manager, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
Adam Carpenter - Presentation, Regulatory Analyst, American Waterworks Association
Clifford Haefke - Presentation, Acting Director, Energy Resources Center, University of Illinois at Chicago
9:45 am - 11:00 am
EERE Technology Programs Outlook and Opportunities (Ballroom II, Ballroom Level)
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s (EERE) technology program offices offer a wide range of opportunities for federal, state, and industry partnerships. Historically, formal and systematic communications efforts by EERE and NASEO provided regularly connecting points between this critical applied research programs and the State Energy Offices. This priorities and opportunities session is a first step at renewing these communications efforts and will provide attendees with a concise, clear sense of partnership opportunities and potential areas for future collaboration.
Vaughn Clark; Director, Oklahoma State Energy Office; Past Chair, NASEO Board of Directors
Dr. Jonathan Male - Presentation, Director, Bioenergy Technologies Program, Office of Transportation, U.S. Department of Energy
Jose Zayas - Presentation, Director, Wind and Water Power Technologies Office, Office of Renewable Power, U.S. Department of Energy
Dr. Mark Johnson - Presentation, Director, Advanced Manufacturing Office, Office of Energy Efficiency, U.S. Department of Energy
11:00 am - 11:15 am
Preliminary Results of NASEO’s 2014 – 2015 Member Survey: The Landscape of State and Territory Energy Offices (Ballroom II, Ballroom Level)
Preliminary results of the most comprehensive survey of the 56 State and Territory Energy Offices will be provided during this insightful session. The survey includes data on allocation of State Energy Office resources, projected budgets, priority work areas, staff size, program offerings and more. The initial results will be presented in national and regional aggregate form and a full report of the aggregated results will be made available to all NASEO members in a report expected in mid-2015.
David Terry, Executive Director, NASEO
Chuck Clinton - Presentation, Senior Technical Advisor and Lead Regional Coordinator, NASEO
11:15 am - 12:30 pm
Washington Update and States Only Discussion (State and Territory Energy Offices Only) (Ballroom II, Ballroom Level)
This session will focus on Congressional and Administration energy policy and appropriations and serve as a preparatory discussion for State Energy Offices participating in congressional and federal agency visits in the coming months. Participants will learn what may be in store for federal energy and environmental policy and explore the impacts of federal actions on energy policies and markets at the state level.
Jeff Genzer, General Counsel, NASEO
12:30 pm
Closing Remarks and Adjourn (Ballroom II, Ballroom Level)